.. _Learn: =================== Learn =================== News and articles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `What are Gaussian Processes? `_ - `The Kernel Cookbook `_ - `autoML in twinLab `_ - `Predict in twinLab `_ - `Initial Design Space `_ - `Dimensionality Reduction for Functional Data `_ ML short courses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Getting Started in Machine Learning `_ - `Using General Linear Models for Machine Learning `_ - `The Kernel Trick `_ - `Tree-based algorithms: Random Forests and Gradient Boosted Trees `_ - `An Introduction to Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification `_ - `AI Ethics `_ - `Production-Ready Neural Network-Powered Web App `_ - `Data Cleaning in Excel and Python `_ - `Deep Learning 101: Getting Started with Neural Networks `_ .. seealso:: Start evaluating your own problems with help from our :ref:`Python documentation `. Let us know if you get stuck - we're always `happy to help `_!