.. _python: **************** Python Interface **************** Start solving science and engineering challenges using twinLab in as little as five minutes. **Date**: |today| **Version**: |version| .. grid:: 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 4 :padding: 2 2 0 0 :class-container: sd-text-center .. grid-item-card:: Quickstart :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Configure the twinLab Python Interface to solve engineering and science problems. +++ .. button-ref:: quickstart :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Start the journey → .. grid-item-card:: Documentation :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Understand the functionality of twinLab with our intuitive Python documentation. +++ .. button-ref:: api :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Explore the docs → .. grid-item-card:: Examples :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Start solving engineering problems by utilising our handcrafted examples and demos. +++ .. button-ref:: examples :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Learn the basics → .. grid-item-card:: Example Datasets :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Dig in to twinLab using our example datasets. +++ .. button-ref:: example_datasets :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Get set up with data → .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :titlesonly: quickstart/index reference/index examples/index example_datasets/index