.. _api: ============== Documentation ============== Welcome to the twinLab Python Interface documentation! Please see the exposed capabilities for creating models: .. grid:: 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 4 :padding: 2 2 0 0 :class-container: sd-text-center .. grid-item-card:: Dataset :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Import and manipulate your data. +++ .. button-ref:: api.dataset :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Explore → .. grid-item-card:: Emulators :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Build probabilistic emulators. +++ .. button-ref:: api.emulator :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Explore → .. grid-item-card:: Parameters :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Fine-tune your models with parameter classes. +++ .. button-ref:: api.parameters :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Explore → .. grid-item-card:: Utilities :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md Core and utility functions for twinLab. +++ .. button-ref:: api.utilities :ref-type: ref :click-parent: :color: secondary :expand: Explore → .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: dataset emulator parameters distributions utilities .. seealso:: To explore how twinLab is used in the wild, check out our :ref:`examples`.