Source code for twinlab.dataset

# Standard imports
import io
from typing import List

import pandas as pd
import uuid

# Third-party imports
from deprecated import deprecated
from typeguard import typechecked

# Project imports
from . import _api, _utils, settings

# Parameters
DEBUG = False  # For developer debugging purposes
USE_UPLOAD_URL = True  # Needs to be set to True to allow for large dataset uploads
    "This method is being deprecated. Please use `Dataset.analyse_variance()` to analyse either input or output variance.",

def _process_request_dataframes(df: pd.DataFrame) -> str:
    # Create a unique ID for the dataset
    dataset_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    # Generate a temporary upload URL - this URL does not have the 5.5mb limit
    _, response = _api.get_dataset_temporary_upload_url(dataset_id)
    url = _utils.get_value_from_body("url", response)

    # Upload the dataframe to the presigned URL
    _utils.upload_dataframe_to_presigned_url(df, url, check=settings.CHECK_DATASETS)

    return dataset_id

[docs] class Dataset: """A twinLab dataset that can be used for training an emulator online. Note that instantiating a dataset object locally does not create a new dataset on the twinLab cloud. Instead, it can be used either to interact with an existing dataset that has been uploaded to the cloud or as a precursor step to uploading a new dataset. Args: id (str): Name of the dataset. Example: .. code-block:: python dataset = tl.Dataset("my_dataset") """
[docs] def __init__(self, id: str): = id
def __str__(self): return f"Dataset ID: {}"
[docs] @typechecked def upload( self, df: pd.DataFrame, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """Upload a dataset to the twinLab cloud so that it can be queried and used for training. Please note the largest dataset that can be uploaded is currently 5GB. When using twinLab emulators, note that training time scales cubically with the amount of data included. It may be worthwhile training with a smaller subset of data at first, to determine approximately how long it will take to train. Please get in touch with our experts for technical support to understand how to make best use of data. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): A `pandas.DataFrame` containing the dataset to be uploaded. verbose (bool, optional): Display information about the operation while running. Example: .. code-block:: python dataset = tl.Dataset("my_dataset") df = pd.DataFrame({"X": [1, 2, 3, 4], "y": [1, 4, 9, 16]}) dataset.upload(df) """ # Upload the file (either via link or directly) if USE_UPLOAD_URL: _, response = _api.get_dataset_upload_url( upload_url = _utils.get_value_from_body("url", response) _utils.upload_dataframe_to_presigned_url( df, upload_url, verbose=verbose, check=settings.CHECK_DATASETS, ) if verbose: print("Summarising dataset") _, response = _api.post_dataset_summary( else: csv_string = _utils.get_csv_string(df) _, response = _api.post_dataset(, csv_string) if verbose: detail = _utils.get_value_from_body("detail", response) print(detail)
[docs] @typechecked def append( self, df: pd.DataFrame, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """Append new data to an existing dataset in the twinLab cloud. Appending data to an existing dataset is useful when new data becomes available and needs to be added to the dataset for training purposes. This can be useful when new data is generated over time, for example when using twinLab's ``Emulator.recommend`` functionality. This method allows for the dataset to be updated directly on the cloud without needing to download, update and re-upload the entire dataset. Please note that the new dataset must have the same columns as the original dataset. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): A `pandas.DataFrame` containing the dataset to be appended. verbose (bool, optional): Display information about the operation while running. Example: .. code-block:: python dataset = tl.Dataset("my_dataset") df = pd.DataFrame({"X": [1, 2, 3, 4], "y": [1, 4, 9, 16]}) dataset.append(df) """ # Upload the file dataset_id = _process_request_dataframes(df) _, response = _api.post_dataset_append(, dataset_id, ) if verbose: detail = _utils.get_value_from_body("detail", response) print(detail)
[docs] @typechecked def analyse_variance( self, columns: List[str], verbose: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return an analysis of the variance retained per dimension after performing singular value decomposition (SVD) on the dataset. SVD is useful for understanding how much variance in the dataset is retained after projecting it into a new basis. SVD components are naturally ordered by the amount of variance they retain, with the first component retaining the most variance. A decision can be made about how many dimensions to keep based on the cumulative variance retained. This analysis is usually performed on either the set of input or output columns of the dataset. Args: columns (list[str]): List of columns to evaluate. This is typically either the set of input or output columns. verbose (bool, optional): Display information about the operation while running. Returns: pandas.Dataframe: A ``pandas.DataFrame`` containing the variance analysis. Example: .. code-block:: python dataset = tl.Dataset("quickstart") dataset.analyse_variance(columns=["x", "y"]) # Typically either input or output columns .. code-block:: console Number of Dimensions Cumulative Variance 0 0 0.000000 1 1 0.925741 2 2 1.000000 """ if len(columns) == 1: raise ValueError( "Singular value decomposition should use more than one column. Please retry with more than one input or output column." ) _, response = _api.post_dataset_analysis(, columns) process_id = _utils.get_value_from_body("process_id", response) response = _utils.wait_for_job_completion( _api.get_dataset_process,, process_id, verbose=verbose ) response = _utils.process_result_response(response) result = _utils.get_value_from_body("dataset_variance", response) df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(result), sep=",") if verbose: print("Variance Analysis:") print(df) return df
[docs] @deprecated( version=DEPRECATION_VERSION, reason=DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, ) @typechecked def analyse_input_variance( self, columns: List[str], verbose: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ .. deprecated:: 2.5.0 This method is being deprecated. Please use the method ``Dataset.analyse_variance()`` to analyse input or output variance. """ df = self.analyse_variance(columns=columns, verbose=verbose) return df
[docs] @deprecated( version=DEPRECATION_VERSION, reason=DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, ) @typechecked def analyse_output_variance( self, columns: List[str], verbose: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ .. deprecated:: 2.5.0 This method is being deprecated. Please use the method ``Dataset.analyse_variance()`` to analyse input or output variance. """ df = self.analyse_variance(columns=columns, verbose=verbose) return df
# TODO: This should possibly be called 'download' instead of 'view'
[docs] @typechecked def view(self, verbose: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """View (and download) a dataset that exists on the twinLab cloud. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Display information about the operation while running. Returns: pandas.Dataframe: A ``pandas.DataFrame`` containing the requested dataset. Example: .. code-block:: python dataset = tl.Dataset("quickstart") dataset.view() .. code-block:: console x y 0 0.696469 -0.817374 1 0.286139 0.887656 2 0.226851 0.921553 3 0.551315 -0.326334 4 0.719469 -0.832518 5 0.423106 0.400669 6 0.980764 -0.164966 7 0.684830 -0.960764 8 0.480932 0.340115 9 0.392118 0.845795 """ _, response = _api.get_dataset( df = _utils.process_dataset_response(response) if verbose: print("Dataset:") print(df) return df
[docs] @typechecked def summarise(self, verbose: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Show summary statistics for a dataset that exists on the twinLab cloud. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Display information about the operation while running. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A ``pandas.DataFrame`` with summary statistics. Example: .. code-block:: python dataset = tl.Dataset("my_dataset") dataset.summarise() .. code-block:: console x y count 10.000000 10.000000 mean 0.544199 0.029383 std 0.229352 0.748191 min 0.226851 -0.960764 25% 0.399865 -0.694614 50% 0.516123 0.087574 75% 0.693559 0.734513 max 0.980764 0.921553 """ _, response = _api.get_dataset_summary( csv_string = _utils.get_value_from_body("summary", response) csv_string = io.StringIO(csv_string) df = pd.read_csv(csv_string, index_col=0, sep=",") if verbose: print("Dataset summary:") print(df) return df
[docs] @typechecked def delete(self, verbose: bool = False) -> None: """Delete a dataset that was previously uploaded to the twinLab cloud. It can be useful to delete an emulator to keep a user's cloud account tidy, or if dataset has been set up incorrectly and no longer needs to be used. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Display information about the operation while running. Example: .. code-block:: python dataset = tl.Dataset("quickstart") dataset.delete() """ _, response = _api.delete_dataset( if verbose: detail = _utils.get_value_from_body("detail", response) print(detail)