
See also

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Get started with twinLab.

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Make predictions with your model.

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Recommend: Explore

Figure out how to add the most informative new data points to your training set.

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Recommend: Optimize

Solve an optimization problem by finding data points with your trained emulator.

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Noisy data

Learn how to handle noisy observations in your data using twinLab.

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Noiseless data

Train and use a model that assumes no noise in the observations.

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Model selection

How twinLab can automate the process of kernel selection and composition.

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Bayesian optimisation

Finding the maxima of an unknown function using twinLab.

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Functional decomposition

Effectively processing the training dataset.

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Dimensionality reduction

Truncating the number of features to accelerate your emulator’s training.

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Initial design

Recommendations of points for sampling before training an emulator.

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Mixture of experts model

Train and use a model that uses a combination of multiple GP experts.

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Train and use a model for binary classification problems.

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Solving inverse problems

Determining the underlying conditions (inputs) that led to observed outcomes.

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See also

Now you’ve completed our tutorials, start constructing emulators for your own problems with help from our Python documentation.

Let us know if you get stuck - we’re always happy to help!