
class twinlab.PredictParams(observation_noise=True, fidelity=None)[source]#

Parameter configuration for making predictions using a trained emulator.

  • observation_noise (bool) – Whether to include noise in the standard deviation of the prediction.

  • data. (This latter uncertainty can potentially be improved by providing more training data, but may also be a limitation of the kernel used to describe the)

  • trend. (If False, the noise term is excluded, outputting only the model uncertainty due to limitations in predicting the data)

  • data.

  • True. (The default value is)

  • fidelity (Union[str, None], optional) – Fidelity information to be provided if the model is a multi-fidelity model (estimator_type="multi_fidelity_gp" in EstimatorParams). This must be the name of the column in the dataset that corresponds to the fidelity parameter. The default value is None, which is appropriate for most trained emulators.

__init__(observation_noise=True, fidelity=None)[source]#


__init__([observation_noise, fidelity])
